Happy Halloween: Captions for Netflix and Horror Subtitling
With our huge enthusiasm for TV series and movies, it’s probably not surprising that Halloween is one of our favourite times of the year.
Subtitle into English: How to Translate Foreign Films
Foreign films and series can give English viewers an awesome sense of another culture and add interest and a different dimension to what’s going on.
Our Top 5 Closed Caption Types and How They Work
Creating closed captions is an incredibly diverse business, involving not only a huge range of project styles but also a massive variety of caption formats and broadcaster requirement
Subtitling ProRes Videos – Are Large Files Necessary?
When embarking on a subtitling project for the first time, the first client concerns we encounter are often around working with large files.
Subtitling or Voiceover Services – Which is Best for your International Films?
Capital Captions handle a wide range of services in working from video to text, from subtitling to transcription and voiceover services.
British Sign Language Interpreting and Subtitling Services
When it comes to video accessibility for deaf and hard of hearing viewers, there are typically two options that comes to mind: BSL interpretation and subtitling.
Multilingual Subtitling and Translation Services on a Budget
Our professional subtitlers are highly experienced and qualified in working with a wide range of subtitle formats. We provide affordable, high quality
Happy Halloween from Capital Captions!
At Capital Captions, we’ve been gearing up for the Halloween holiday season. Going for a Harry Potter theme this year, we’ve pulled out
Verbatim Video Transcription Services, Subtitles and Closed Captions
This week, we’ve been working a lot with transcribing and subtitling interviews, both verbatim
Storyline and Captivate Subtitling for E-Learning
It’s a known fact that subtitles increase concentration and are beneficial for educational videos. Where courses used to take place